Sunday, October 25, 2015

Salt River Rumble Update

Hi everyone,

Dr. Todd wanting to give you an update about the Salt River Rumble (Sat Nov 7 at Game Depot). I’d like to thank all of you who have signed up so far, and to those who haven’t and were thinking about I want to let you know we’re down to just 4 spots available with a little less than two weeks to ago. Remember all models must be painted and based, with a prizes for the best painted army, and top three placing armies. Judging will occur between Rounds 1 and 2, during the 30 minute lunch break. So if you’re thinking about signing up, remember that sooner is better than later. I look forward to seeing you all there.

As for Mechanical Warhorse it's a busy two weeks of painting terrain before the event. I recently finished up some ice lakes for the Ice Base Zero terrain. All of the completed components for Ice Base Zero will be set up for everyone at the rumble to give it a good test run.

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